A hall for all

Our vision for Scarth Hall is to create a hub in Staindrop for community activities, appealing to and engaging as many people as possible. For our bid to the Big Lottery Reaching Communities fund, we set the following outcomes:

  • To increase confidence and skills
  • To reduce isolation
  • To improve health and diet
  • To improve mental and physical health and wellbeing

The modernised hall helps us to achieve these outcomes. For example, the refurbished kitchen facilities mean we can offer sessions on healthy eating and cooking, as well as making the hall a more appealing venue for everyone. The IT suite provides opportunities for people to learn new skills and gain confidence with online activities such as shopping, requesting services, filling in forms, using email and zoom to keep in touch, and much more! The cinema facility makes it easy for people to come together for a  family film. The hall is now accessible for wheelchair users and buggies.

We would love you to be part of our vision – whether you take part in some of the many events and activities, make your voice heard in consultations, or get involved in some other way  – please contact us. It’s your hall, after all!