Volunteering at Scarth Hall

Scarth Hall and all its facilities, and the events and activities taking place here, rely on a fantastic team of volunteers who make things happen and look after the day-to-day running of the Hall. Our wonderful volunteers, and the time and talent they give so generously, are right at the heart of Scarth Hall and its role in the community …… thank you!

We want volunteering for Scarth Hall to be an enjoyable and worthwhile experience and we’re working towards the County Durham Volunteer Kite Mark Award as part of  a new volunteer programme.

Meetings and documents for dates of upcoming meetings (all volunteers, Trustees and staff are welcome) and meeting minutes. See also Trustees for details of four-weekly Board meetings.

Volunteer opportunities showing a list of events and activities and how to sign up if you’d like to get involved

Volunteer role descriptions (Community and Engagement)

Volunteer role descriptions (Hall Administration)